By Vernalee
Greetings on this important day...
Today is the day! November 3, 2020 is General Election day.
Allow me to share a brief story. Before my Mother passed and went home to be with the Lord, I had the honorable privilege to be her caregiver. I brought her from Mississippi to Ohio to live with me. It was now my precious turn to take care of the woman who so elegantly took care of me! I praised God for that experience because I learned so much more (history and life lessons) from her. During that time, there was an election, so she had a mail in ballot. I am here to testify that my Mother worried everybody - my niece, my daughter, her great-granddaughter, and me - about that ballot! She was uneasy until it arrived and uneasy until it was mailed. I remember sending it via Federal Express and verifying the receipt (of course by showing her the tracking information) to assure her that it was signed, sealed & delivered to the Board of Elections in Mississippi before the due date; very early in fact. What was the hype? You see my Mother grew up in an era where they were administered written tests and where they had to pay poll taxes - (which many Black folks couldn't afford) - to earn the right to vote. So voting was one of the unalienable civil rights where some Black people were threatened by their White plantation owners; while others were jailed; some even were killed for their constitutional right to go to the polls and cast their ballots. So, my Mother wanted to make sure that her vote was counted! Neither did I witness what she did, nor saw up close and personal what her eyes saw ... for Black folks to obtain the right to vote. So when I casted my ballot, I voted not only for my preferred candidates, I voted for my Mother and all of those who sacrificed and fought for me to have that privilege! So, today...Vote!
Video: nba.com
Photo Credit: bostonglobe.com