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By Vernalee

Communicate with God. Read the Word. Pray incessantly. Teach your family how to pray and pray with them. Sometimes, it’s important to “go back to the old fashioned stuff.” My Mother taught me and my siblings how to pray. We saw her get on her knees by the side of her bed. Before long, we did the same. She always reminded us, “Don’t forget to say your prayers.“ When we sat at the table, you didn’t pick up your fork before grace was said. These were values being taught before our very eyes; values that were ingrained in us; habits that I would take with me when I left the soils of Mississippi; lessons that I passed down to my family. Nothing and I mean nothing beats sound generational family values. I learned to put God first. Though I cannot "sing a lick," I also learned to praise him with my voice of familiar hymns. I remember my Mother singing gospel hymns while she cooked. Her emotions were reflected in every word as she bellowed, Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; “Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!”

Memories help position us where we need to be. They keep us grounded.

If our heads swell to make us think that we know it all and that we do not need anyone,

it is then that we need prayer the most.

It is then that I am reminded of the old folks' sage wisdom. "Come down off your high horse! You need God in your life. You need his guidance and direction not just today but everyday. Child, life is so much easier when we follow his Word. We can’t do it on our own." As a family, we should pray together when there is opportunity. Family prayer not only shows love; it unifies us as we honor God by putting him first. Yes ... A family that prays together, stays together!

Happy Sunday!

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