Although my mother went home to be with the Lord, she told me something years ago that I will never forget. I want to pass on the same advice to you. “If you dig a ditch for someone to fall in, dig two coz you might fall in one of them.” C’mon now – That advice was golden! To this day, I don’t plan other people’s demise. They seem to be capable of doing that for themselves. My time and energies are spent on keeping my head above water. That is an all inclusive job in and of itself. Whew! Besides, why should I lift a heavy shovel, get all dirty and sweaty by exerting my valuable time, strength, and energies on someone else? It’s too exhausting! Looking out for me and mine is a much better choice! Photo reprint: www.pond5.com
Thank you for following SWTA. More importantly, thank you for the inspiration to relaunch. I greatly enjoy using my voice to express my thoughts on issues with far reaching impacts. I apologize for the delayed response. Charge my head not my heart!
Get to digging! Excellent post!