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By Vernalee

It’s here! The day has finally arrived! All of the traditional gentleness and happiness of Christmas permeates throughout the air. Some celebrate the “White Christmas” that they dreamed of having. Peppermint candy canes, yummy gingerbread houses, glowing scented candles, and stuffed Christmas stockings are everywhere. The house smells of love! Gift wrapped presents with decorative bows are marvelously scattered under the Christmas tree. Family and friends are displaying bountiful love. Children are thrilled at what Santa brought them. With Rudolph and his reindeer companions parked in a sleigh on top of the roof, some of the younger ones claim they saw Mr. Claus easing down the chimney! Oh my!

The kitchen is filled with the aromas of Honey baked ham, turkey and dressing, home made rolls, sweet potato pies, chocolate cake, egg nog, and countless flavorful delectable dishes. “Joy to the World” and timeless Christmas carols are heard In the background. (”Silent Night” by the Temptations remains my favorite). A galaxy of colorful scenic lights and nativity scenes are on every street corner and fill every room of our homes.

Yes, Christmas is a day of giving; a day of love; but more importantly – the day that we celebrate the birth of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. He is the reason for the season! “O come let us adore him.” Let’s rejoice and give thanks as we pray for our well being and that of our loved ones/families, the less fortunate, the lonely … and for a better world. Let us show immense thoughtfulness, incredible caring, and bountiful love to one another! Let us remember and never forget the memories of those that we love who are not with us in the flesh, but who are smiling as they watch us from the Heavens! Their love for us and ours for them is forever and a day. As “Hark, the Herald Angels” sing “Glory to the new born king” – “Let there be peace on earth!” Merry Christmas! Blessings!

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Dec 25, 2020



Dec 25, 2020

Today's message brought tears to my eyes! Reach out and touch somebody's hand...


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Mother, Granny, Entrepreneur, Author, Columnist, Speaker, Blogger. Ohioan by way of Glen Allan, Mississippi.


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