By Vernalee
Do you talk too much? That’s the question of the decade. Here’s a simple fact - When you ”talk too much, you don't listen. You only hear your own voice. That in itself is dangerous. You can learn more from others than from yourself,” but you have to stop talking to hear what they’re saying...Too much talking
can be a problem. Walt Disney famous quote was, “Stop talking and start doing.” My Mother’s quote was even better, “God gave you one mouth and two ears. So that should tell you something. Listen twice as much as you talk.” Wise words; Great advice; I’ll say! As I am very sociable, talking is on my radar of favorite things to do. I love being around people and being engaged. As I have matured in age, I have learned to listen more and be more discerning with what I say to whom. We must be selective and careful with out words. That small tongue can cause a lot of big trouble. Once the words leave your mouth, you can’t take them back. As the old folks in Mississippi would say “Don’t be a motor mouth. Shut up sometimes Close that trap before it traps you!” Those old fashioned colloquial words definitely - bring the point home and sit it at your door steps!
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