By Vernalee
Happy Thanksgiving! As we cook, bless the food, and enjoy the day off, it is a joyous time of reflections. Oh yes … Thanksgiving is more than a day of the huge feast – turkey, ham, dressing, cakes, and pies. Though the delectable food is yummy to our tummies! It’s more than a day of parades and countless football games. It is a day to be thankful – thankful for life, loved ones, family, friends, blessings, and the amenities of living! Recognized as one of the busiest travel times, many people travel near and far to be with and share time with people that they love. Kindred spirits are the order of the day. On the flip side, the holidays can be a lonely time for some! There are some folks who are not as fortunate as others. The bread of loneliness they may eat. Regretfully, some may even spend the day alone. So this holiday season, let’s work on a project together. Let's share our fortunes of love, kindness, and resources with others. Let not our love be selfish and superficial; ignoring the needs of others. Turning our heads should not be an option. It’s amazing how a simple gesture - a note, call, text message … will bring joy to someone’s heart. Let our love be overflowing like a cornucopia. I am sure that the recipients of our generosity will be thankful! For certain, we would have left them better than we found them! That feeling should fill our souls as much as the Thanksgiving meal filled our tummies! Blessings! Photo credit: www.catholicism.about.com