By Vernalee Come go to church with me! Ready?
I want to take you on a virtual tour this Sunday to a country church in the Mississippi delta.
Traveling down south, we first pass the crystal clear Lake Washington; then we'll drive past the shotgun and mobile homes before we arrive to the segregated section of the town where the colored folks live. Walking on the gravel paved road, we enter the church house.
As we walk toward the front door, we are hugged, kissed, greeted, and welcomed southern hospitality style by these friendly folks dressed in their “Sunday go to church” clothes. Only the best for God!
The choir stand is exuberantly rocking as it has Mahalia Jackson type of talent. Everybody has golden voices!
The traveling choir dressed in their purple robes go from church to church singing to the heavens. The pianist who can’t read a stitch of music plays by ear so magnificently that even you believed that the sounds were produced by a trained classical musician. There is a resounding reverence as the singing preacher brings down the house with his James Cleveland’s rendition of “Amazing Grace.”
Standing in the pulpit, his far reaching pastoral message is so religiously and emotionally intense that you feel that he is talking directly to you. As communion is ceremoniously served, petitions are quietly whispered.
The congregation holds hands as they seemingly pray your troubles away.
I‘m here to tell you that this place exudes love and immediately you feel the Holy Ghost spirit and an incredible closeness to God!
A soloist grabs the microphone and starts her rendition of ”I feel like praising him.” In a raspy tone, her voice so closely resembles the sound of Shirley Caesar that your ears can’t discern the difference. As you sing along, a member of the church dressed in sparkling white touched your shoulder and said, “Child, keep on praying. Everything is gonna be alright. God is watching over you, will take care of you, and graciously bless you. Oh, yes he will!”
Holy hallelujah!
How did she know that you were troubled? It’s a miracle because suddenly a calmness filled your soul!
You walked in worried and confused.
You walked out as a jubilant believer in The Lord!
What a transformation!
Exiting your spirituality propels you to jump with joy as you realize that “It’s a New Day” in your life ... as you gloriously sing “Let everything that has breathe praise The Lord!” As my pastor always says, “God is able!”
Oh, yes he is!
Happy Sunday!
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