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By Vernalee

Years ago, I remember the old folks saying, "The devil is busy."

Of course, if you were like me and most other teenagers, we paid them, "no never mind."

They also said, "Just keep on living!"

As years went by, their words became golden .... when we realized how busy Satan really is and how he is out to attack us and our family!

1 Peter 5::8 tells us to: "Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour."

Over 40 years ago, I heard a lion roar for the first time. I was pregnant with my son. The intensity of the roaring sound was so frightening that I initially thought that I would prematurely go into labor at the zoo. It was a penetrating sound that truly personified the lion with the earned title of King of the Jungle. That was a lion. Just imagine ... Satan’s attacks are a zillion times worst.

It is for that reason and more that we have to stay close to God, lean on him, remain prayerful, and take heed to his Word.

It is only through God's grace, mercy, and protection that we can withstand the pressures of this life. On bended knee, with gratitude I say, “Thank you God for your covering and immeasurable love! Thank you for bringing us out of the dark into the light and for doing what only you can do to protect and shield us from the harm that Satan can bring.”

Upon listening to the performance of "This Means War," we cannot help but be thankful for God’s many, many blessings!

What a mighty God we serve!

He's worthy to be praised … not just on Sundays but everyday of the week!

Happy Sunday and Blessings!



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Mother, Granny, Entrepreneur, Author, Columnist, Speaker, Blogger. Ohioan by way of Glen Allan, Mississippi.


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