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By Vernalee

Does this describe you?

Here we go!

15 Things that Incredibly Happy People do!

1. They turn their mistakes into lessons.

2. They go offline.

3. They don't sweat the small stuff.

4. They plan getaways.

5. They say thank you.

6. They give themselves a break.

7. They turn a to do list into a game.

8. They build relationships.

9. They don't blame the past.

10. They fake it till they make it.

11. They take chances.

12. They get their beauty rest.

13. They get moving.

14. They are honest.

15. They don't compare themselves to others.

Are you incredibly happy according to these 15 items or just incredibly happy period? Why be sad?

If you woke up this morning, that is a great reason to be incredibly happy.

Being blessed with reasonably good health; a healthy loving family, great friends and associates; a roof over your head; plentiful food to eat; a source of income/an affordable way of survival ... is a start. Being surrounded by love - having someone to love you that you can love back is great. I count my blessings every day and am thankful to be able to do so! Getting to a happy place brings not only happiness but joy! It’s a blessing!

Photo credit:

Source: MSN Lifestyles / Pop Sugar


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2 opmerkingen

11 aug 2020

Dag I got all 15 right, I'm on a roll during these strange times...


11 aug 2020


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